Children’s Court Cubbyhouse

The first of its kind in Australia, the Children’s Court Cubby is a collaboration with the Alannah and Madeline Foundation, a national charity working to end child violence.
Featured in: Alannah & Madeline Foundation, Australian Design Review
Location: Broadmeadows, Victoria
Typology: Childcare renovation
Status: Completed 2015
Design team: Warwick Mihaly, Erica Slocombe, Jake Taylor
Builder: Ireland Brown Constructions
Photographer: Peter Bennetts
Country: Wurundjeri

“The Cubbyhouse is a landmark project, the first child-centric sanctuary in any courthouse in Australia. I am excited to see the Cubbyhouse in action and Mihaly Slocombe’s dream of reducing the effects of trauma on vulnerable children coming to life.”– Somone Johns, The Alannah and Madeline Foundation
“There have been so many smiles and laughs in the Cubbyhouse. I can confidently say that the kids who pass through it are very positively benefitting from its thoughtful and engaging design.”– Charlie Bracey, Cubbyhouse Youth Worker