Joyful House
Building or renovating your home is one of the most substantial adventures you will undertake in your life. It is financially, creatively and emotionally challenging but also immensely rewarding.
Though we all live in houses, it is easy sometimes to forget how complex they are. Like enormous Rubik’s cubes, they require the alignment of many technical requirements, including questions of spatial arrangement, climate, sustainability, regulation, materials and construction. They are also the result of coordinated work from many people, spanning consultants, authorities, builders and suppliers.
At Mihaly Slocombe, we have detailed knowledge of design-based problem solving and quality construction. That’s what makes us architects.
We understand the specialist expertise of every consultant needed and are able to coordinate their input to ensure the right outcome. We speak the languages of town planner and structural engineer, as well as bricklayer and carpenter. We can help you navigate the tricky waters of design, documentation and construction to ensure your project takes shape as envisioned.
But great architecture is not just technically competent; it is a work of art. Like a tailored suit, the house that we design for you will be unique. We will bring our past experience and design vision to your project, but it will be as strongly shaped by your character as it is ours. We will design your house to capture your personality, lifestyle and aspirations in a home that will last you a lifetime.
At Mihaly Slocombe, we spread our projects across seven phases that progress from big picture thinking to fine detail.
The seven phases cover every requirement of your project. Though there is occasionally some overlap across phases, they generally proceed sequentially and together provide a holistic service that will take you from conception to completion.
To give you a general idea of how this works, read on for a brief account of each project phase. The case study uses one of our projects currently under construction, Joyful House.
Our clients, Zytel and Mat, engaged us shortly after purchasing their new home in Rippleside. They loved its heritage character, generously sized bedrooms and large backyard. They disliked the closet-sized kitchen and lack of a proper dining space, which made daily life difficult with three energetic young children. They knew how they wanted to live in the house but needed creative and technical input to make this a reality. It was exactly the type of problem solving we love!
Project Phases
1/7 – Research
Duration: 4 weeks
Deliverables: Project brief; land survey; existing conditions drawings
Specialist consultants: Land surveyor
The research phase is where we collect the information we need to begin design work.
We provided Zytel and Mat with a briefing document filled with questions about how they like to live, what they love about the existing house, what they dislike, who will be living there and what space requirements they have. We also asked what materials they prefer and whether access to light, air and the garden is important. The briefing process was like an in-depth conversation we had together – the more information the better!
We visited the site a number of times to get a feel for its peculiarities, its orientation, vegetation and slope. We measured up the insides of the existing house and engaged a land surveyor to capture the exterior, along with levels, trees, fencing and neighbouring houses. We also looked into the planning requirements for the site, developing an understanding for its specific zone and overlays. Armed with all this rich information about the project and site, we were now ready to begin design work.
2/7 – Sketch design
Duration: 8 weeks
Deliverables: Feasibility study; sketch design drawings; sketch design model; material palette; cost estimate
Specialist consultations: Quantity surveyor
The sketch design phase is the exciting beginning of our design work. It’s when we put pen to paper and our ideas start to flow.
As we do with many of our projects, for Zytel and Mat we broke our design process into two parts. The first was a masterplanning exercise that used preliminary layout sketches to test their brief against their budget. We put together a few design options – essentially small, medium and large versions of our design – and cost guides against each. We made sure budget was considered from the very start of the process. This early masterplanning was an important exercise that empowered Zytel and Mat to have control over the direction of the design. There were elements of two layout options that appealed to them, so a fourth option evolved that combined the best bits of each.
The second part of the design process was a full sketch design proposal that grew out of Zytel and Mat’s selected layout. We developed the masterplan into a comprehensive three-dimensional design that considered form, light and materials, along with construction, regulations and the budget. We produced plans, elevations, sections and a physical model to give a holistic understanding of the design. It was here that Joyful House began to really take shape.
It was also here that we advised Zytel and Mat to have a cost estimate prepared by a quantity surveyor. They now had a renovation design they loved, but before moving ahead it was important to confirm that it was affordable. Once the cost estimate was received and approved, we were able to confidently move forward to the next phase of the project.
3/7 – Town planning
Duration: 6 weeks + council approval
Deliverables: Town planning assessment; town planning report; town planning drawings
The town planning phase is where we seek a planning permit for our design from the local council.
As Zytel and Mat’s house was covered by a heritage overlay, it required assessment by council’s heritage advisor along with the usual zoning provisions. Prior to submitting our planning application, we worked through the issues with council in a pre-application meeting. This gave us a good feel for our likelihood of success in council. Unfortunately the planning process can be highly variable – some projects have to overcome many obstacles while others sail through. Luckily, Joyful House proved to be an example of the latter. Seven weeks after submitting our planning application, we received the planning permit. It was a surprisingly fast and glitch-free process that allowed us to move rapidly onto the next phase.
4/7 – Detail design
Duration: 10 weeks
Deliverables: Detail design drawings; schedules, preliminary structural engineering
Specialist consultations: Structural engineer
The detail design phase is a fun process of showroom shopping! It’s where we develop the interiors of a project, refine the materials and fittings selections, and begin working through the structure with a structural engineer.
To get started, we asked Zytel and Mat to complete another briefing document, this time focussing on their specific requirements from room to room. We fleshed out their storage needs, and discovered their love of sisal carpet and deep baths. We produced internal renders along with two-dimensional drawings describing every room in detail. We suggested a range of tapware, kitchen appliances, light fittings and bathroom fixtures for Zytel and Mat to consider.
Once everything was decided upon it was time again to review the budget. Our options were to either ask the quantity surveyor to review the project again or begin speaking with potential builders. Zytel and Mat were very keen to work with one of two builders they had been recommended to use by friends, so we approached both of them and asked them to provide cost guides based on our detail design drawings. We interviewed both builders and assessed their cost estimates. Little Constructions stood out both in terms of their capabilities and their price. With a builder on board and our budget still on track, we were now ready to commence documentation.
5/7 – Documentation
Duration: 16 weeks
Deliverables: Construction drawings; specification; schedules; structural engineering; sustainability report; building permit
Specialist consultations: Structural engineer; geotechnical engineer; environmental consultant; building surveyor
The documentation phase is where we prepare the documents needed to obtain a building permit, receive a fixed price from a builder, and begin construction.
By now, Zytel and Mat had a thorough understanding of how their house was going to look and feel, which materials were going to be used inside and out, how many cupboards and drawers there would be in the kitchen, and where all the light switches would be. They also had confidence that the budget still aligned with the project scope.
It was now up to us to translate all this information into a set of drawings that would enable a builder to understand exactly how Joyful House was to be built. Among many other things, this involved us working out roof drainage and gutter details, glazing systems and door thresholds. Having Little Constructions already on board meant we could workshop a lot of these questions with them and their key trades. All up, we met six times during documentation, streamlining our drawings to fit in with their unique approach to construction. It was a very successful collaboration that kept a tight lid on the budget and gave confidence to everyone involved.
We also co-ordinated the input from a structural engineer and building surveyor to meet all building code requirements. Once our documentation package was complete, we were almost ready to get started on site.
6/7 – Tendering
Duration: 4 weeks
Deliverables: Tender list; tender analysis; building contract
The tendering phase aims to get a builder on board with a fixed price for the proposed building scope.
There are several different approaches that can be taken to achieve this, and for Joyful House we had already decided with Zytel and Mat that a negotiated contract with a single builder was the preferred method. We handed our finished documentation package over to Little Constructions, who repriced the project based on our complete detailing. The variation from their initial estimate to their final fixed price was well within expectations. We were now ready to sign a building contract and begin building!
7/7 – Construction
Duration: 9 months
Deliverables: Administration of building contract
Specialist consultations: Structural engineer; building surveyor
The construction phase is where all our previous hard work is translated into built form. This is one of our favourite parts of any project, where our clients and we watch our design move from paper to bricks, timber and glass.
With a building contract signed, Zytel and Mat packed up their house and moved out. Within a week demolition was complete. There was no turning back now! Our role during the construction phase was to help the builder ensure that the design quality and intent was achieved. Construction, particularly for renovation projects like Joyful House, always has elements of the unpredictable in it. This meant that despite our comprehensive set of construction documents, there was still further design work and problem solving needed on site.
Our main task was to be available to answer questions, tweak details in some instances and come up with completely new ones in others. We attended site meetings every week or two during construction, which also allowed us to see opportunities that may not have been visible before half the house was demolished. Most importantly, we did all this while keeping the overall design intent for the project in focus.
Our other role was to act as an intermediary between Zytel and Mat, and Little Constructions. We assessed each progress claim and any variations as they came in, certifying how much should be paid each month. This gave Zytel and Mat peace of mind that they were only paying for works that had already been completed.
At the end of construction, we did a thorough defects inspection that caught any minor details that had been missed. We were happy to discover that Little Constructions were immaculate builders, so there was very little that needed remedying. After a complex yet immensely rewarding process, Zytel and Mat and their three very excited children, were able to move back into their new home.

“Warwick and Erica met with potential builders from the very beginning and developed a great relationship with the engaged builder. The cost of the build was kept much lower – while still achieving the amazing design.”
– Zytel, Joyful House
The seven phases cover every requirement of your project. Though there is occasionally some overlap across phases, they generally proceed sequentially and together provide a holistic service that will take you from conception to completion.
If you’d like to work with us on your project, we’d love to hear from you.